Upcoming events.

All events of The Community are for Jews and their loved ones who are NOT AFFILIATED with any synagogue.
Join us in person or by Zoom.


Shabbat Chanukah

Friday December 27th Shabbat Hanukkah Service and Chinese food to follow. It has been our custom to share a Chinese food dinner together for the traditional way of being Jewish on Christmas. This year with Shabbat Hanukkah so close we will combine the two days, it’ll be, Shabbat Hanukkah and Chinese food all in one. Please be sure to RSVP. The cost of dinner will be determined when we have our numbers and can tell you the breakdown. We will collect the dinner money before that day so stay tuned. We will also have a latke or two and a Hanukkah sing along during the service. Please join us for a very fun Hanukkah Shabbat with Chinese

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Yizkor & Mincha

Saturday October 12th- 4:30 PM we begin with Yizkor and Mincha at Unity. Following the close of Yom Kippur we will celebrate the new year together with a break the fast meal downstairs at Unity, sponsored by Jeanie Glass on behalf of the Or Atid Community. Be sure to RSVP!


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Rosh Hashanah Eve Services

Please let us know if you will be joining us. Rosh Hashanah services 6PM followed by a catered Dinner at the Freed  Community Center, 1515 Coyote drive, Prescott.  Caterer costs for the meal $50 per person.

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High Holiday Prep & Selichot

From noon to 3 we will gather at the Heaven on Earth Retreat Center as we spiritually prepare for the coming Holidays. This adult-only will include a deep dive into the issues of forgiveness, teshuvah and the cultivation of the soul. Please let Rabbi Julie know if you intend to join us. It’s a magical space with a pool, a yoga yurt, hiking and a beautiful kitchen where we will enjoy a meal together before ending our retreat.

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Tisha B’av

We will meet at Thumb Butte for a Tisha V’av day of recognition. Since Oct. 7, Rabbi’s way of delivering a Tisha B’av experience has changed. Please join us as we discover the meaning of this, the darkest day in the Jewish year and together learn from itd message.

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Sowing the Seeds Event - Bluegrass Band

Join us for a private Bluegrass concert by the Cross Eyed Possum Bluegrass Band. This Sowing the Seeds event id hosted by Joe Korpiel. A private concert with wine and cheese. It’s going to be an amazing evening! Please RSVP to Rabbi Julie. $50 per persson.

Friends, the members of our community who are creating and sponsoring these Sowing the Seeds events are gifting us such wonderful opportunities for community building. Please support their kind and generous efforts and join in.

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Music at the Square

Let’s meet downtown and enjoy the live music of the Dirty Halos (Indie pop). Bring some food, a beverage and a comfy seat. Let’s soak up the sweet summer fun while it lasts.

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Sowing the Seeds Event at the Highlands Center

This wonderful event will begin at the Highlands Nature Center at noon. There will be an easy hike through their beautiful grounds, followed by a wonderful picnic lunch in the Highlands pavilion. Lin and John Tharp are hosting this event and covering all of the costs for the hike and the picnic lunch! The cost to participate is $50 per person and the kids are free when they come with their parents. You don’t want to miss this one! Please RSVP.

Friends, the members of our community who are creating and sponsoring these Sowing the Seeds events are gifting us such wonderful opportunities for community building. Please support their kind and generous efforts and join in.

This is going to be wonderful!!!

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Concert at the Square

Thursday June 20th – Let’s celebrate the first day of summer as a community, downtown at the Square for music, food and friendship. Bring your folding chairs, the Rockin Blues Band will be entertaining the crowd. Summers here!

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Full Moon Kayaking

Wednesday June 19th- Full Moon Kayaking 630 Watson lake. If you’d lie to join us, please rent your Kayak from Born to Be Wild, follow link. https://www.b2bwild.com/

We will meet there at 6:00PM at the North Pier of Watson Lake.

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Shiva Minyan for Amy Bias

Thursday June 13th, join us for a Shivah Minyan for Amy Bias, the beloved daughter of Kathy Stern. Please join us for a short service to honor her memory and hold up Kathy as she mourns the loss of her child. 10 am at the home of Rabbi Julie. Let’s fill up the room for one of our own who is in need of love and support. It’s what Jews do.

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Shavuot Service & Picnic

Sunday June 9th- Join us for our yearly, SHAVUOT picnic. It’s our yearly dairy potluck in honor of Shavuot!

We will hear the Ten Commandments chanted from the Torah and then eat ice cream, which is all in good Jewish tradition. This year we will be meeting at the Hill Top Pavilion at Willow Lake. Everyone should bring their favorite dairy picnic foods, drinks and the ice cream toppings, and Rabbi Julie will bring the Torah and the

ice cream. Please RSVP as soon as possible. 2pm to 4pm o

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Shabbat Services

Shabbat Services. Please join us at Unity as we open the Torah scroll and move onward into the 4th book of the Torah, Ba Midbar. Come and enjoy the blessing of being called to the Torah.

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